Really, I promise to try and be better about this But apparently, kids are a lot of work.
We've arrived back in Boston and the kids are safely home. People tried to describe to us how much work kids are, but without living through it, it's simply impossible to tell you. Fortunately, the Parasites are happy and healthy and have gained weight nicely. Daniel is pushing seven pounds, and Sophie is pushing six.
We also hired a night nanny, which means that we occasionally get some sleep. She's excellent, although we probably would have hired Satan himself if it had meant that we would get some shuteye.
Meanwhile, here's how the schedule works: Kid #1 wakes up. Hopefully, we remembered to prepare the bottle while they were sleeping, but if we didn't, it's a balancing act of hanging one kid over a shoulder while preparing the bottle. We keep a thermos of hot water nearby and use that to make the bottle, but we also have a bowl of cold water that we put the bottle into to cool it if the mix is too hot. Then, we spend a few minutes trying to coax her into taking it in her mouth. Usually, she's hungry enough to take it, but just in case, we can always give her feet a little flick. She usually gets an ounce down before deciding to stop. Tap the bottle to get it flowing again. Lather, rinse, repeat, with the whole process taking about 30 minutes. Then, the burping begins. Sophie is good burper, while Daniel is still working on it. And then we're done. Start to stop, the entire feeding takes about 45 minutes. Then, repeat with the other kid. Usually, we can sneak in 60-90 free minutes between feedings.